Troop 424
I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will.
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre

Troop 424 is an all-female Scouts BSA Troop welcoming girls ages 11-17 from Marshfield and across the South Shore. We meet Mondays (except for holidays) from 7:15pm-8:30pm. With a focus on service, citizenship, leadership, and outdoor adventure, our Scouts are very active throughout our community and beyond.
Mission Statement
The goal of Troop 424 is to encourage Scouts to live the Scout Oath and Law by developing skills through citizenship, service, leadership and outdoor adventure.

Why Join Scouts BSA?
The Troop is a place to learn, explore, and grow - no prior experience is necessary!
Through fun activities we build skills and friendships that will last far beyond a Scout’s time in the Troop.
As parents, we want our children to experience a wide-range of activities - being part of a Troop enables Scouts to choose these adventures and to set a date.
No one is ever “benched” in the Scouts BSA program. Most of our Scouts are active in other sports, clubs, and activities and participate in Troop events whenever they are available.
Scouting looks great on a college application!